Monday, February 8, 2010

Algebraic Exalted: The Five Castes

Speaking as a player of White Wolf's Exalted their power to create harmony in the concept of five strikes me with great interest, and whenever I compare the different classes / castes involved for each type of Exalted (or chosen of the Gods, if you may put it on plainest terms), I cannot help but figure out interesting connections that seem to fill up the gaps to make a unified whole.

Of course those who have not played this wonderful Role-Playing Game will not be able to relate, but that is completely another story or universe in itself. I now attempt to relate this to my ALGEBRA class today, wherein I received my most number of sit-in students so far, with almost 10 students sitting in along with my less than 20 attendance, almost filling up the class with people who did not even pay to be there at all. I do not mind, of course, I indulge them in self-promoting themselves to observers and it helps me prepare for that inevitable time when the deadly higher-ups of the College decide to pay my mad classroom a visit.

So thus today was a fun day in ALGEBRA as usual, ironic as it may sound I am finding this class as the best fun I've ever had in my terms of teaching. The students may be slow learners and need extra guidance to understand the lessons but at least they are fun to be with and are quite willing to learn. My usual methods of humor-in-between lectures seem to be working effectively and based from student feedback they seem to be working quite well.

So anyway, one of my accomplices in the undercover infiltration of this class from Day 1 again made his appearance in my class as a self-styled observer. From his wise observations, the clear text of which I would detail after the description of each caste, gave me the interesting thought of forming my own brand of Exaltations - The Algebraic Exalted.

Henceforth are the castes involved in this class, followed by the wise words of my accomplice.

The Algebraic Exalted: Chosen of the Infinite Set

The Quadratic Caste

Quadratic Caste Algebraics represent the highest degree of functions that can be discussed in typical ALGEBRA. Hence these are the Chosen who try their hardest to learn and are unsettlingly gifted with the capability to stand with the higher beings (ergo the Instructor) on equal footing though they still have lots to prove. Like a parabola they are, they take two sides of a coin - student and close chum to the Instructor.

Ang grupong ito ay yung mga tsumitsika sa mahal nating prof.

The Radical Caste

Radical Caste Algebraics represent the presence of a highly different type of operation in ALGEBRA - the radical expressions. Their very presence in the course is of great surprise and interest to students and hence these are the Chosen who make their differences known by daring to enter class even if they have already passed the course as sit-in students - a feat of great surprise to the Instructor and of great interest to them, as it gives them the opportunity to see their mad Instructor friend at work, among other interesting agendas.

Ang grupong ito ay ang mga sitin na pinagtatawanan ang mahal nating prof.

The Rational Castes

Rational Caste Algebraics represent one of ALGEBRA's most interesting topics - Rational Expressions and the concept of Rationalization. The topic's intricacy is taken with great interest since it involves a lot of factoring knowledge and radical familiarity, and the concept of rationalization usually tackles the forced removal of the radical expression from the denominator, which still results in an expression with a radical on it - a poor attempt at making the impossible possible - complete removal of the radical expression itself. Hence these are the Chosen who try their hardest at things other than ALGEBRA during the subject, but fail dismally.

Ang grupong ito ay yung nag dadamoves sa crush niya na hindi naman maka damoves kaya ewan ko nalang sa kanya.

The Exponential Caste

One of the most interesting Castes, the Exponential Caste channels the innate two-sided face of the topic itself - the sheer simplicity of solving Exponential expressions, yet the grim confusing side to learning the topic by heart on its other side. The Chosen who are chosen under this caste are those who are toying the line between comprehension and depression, ready to be raised to a higher positive power or be downgraded by getting raised to a negative power.

Ang groupong ito ay yung mga nasisiraan na ng bait dahil sa mahal nating prof.

The i Caste

Queer as the Caste may sound, the special i Caste deals with the parallelism of its Chosen with the mathematical expression i, which stands for the square root of -1, an expression that up until now bears no mathematical proof of its exact value but used nonetheless for certain ALGEBRA solutions. Its lack of hope for a solution and its sheer difference to the rest of its brethren in ALGEBRA has channeled through its Chosen, representing all those who seemed to have lost faith in their ALGEBRA lives and trying to find renewal or further insanity into infinity.

Ang grupong ito ay yung mga nasiraan na ng bait at naka tulala sa kawalan... DAHIL SA MAHAL NATING PROF.


So there you have them, the Algebraic Exalted. Under which Caste do you belong?